(1) What is a Veve and how are they used?
A veve is a symbolic design, formed on the ground (in the peristyle or temple) by sprinkling wheatmeal, cornmeal, or some other appropriate powder from the hand, at or before the beginning of a ceremony. Such a design represents a Lwa to be invoked, and serves both as a focal point for invocation and a kind of altar for offerings. Several veves of different Lwa may be drawn for one ceremony. The designs incorporate well-recognized traditional elements, but reflect also the individual intentions and creative skill of the Priests.
(2) Hi, I hope you can answer my question. I have seen a certain symbol that I believe is related to Voodoo. I'll try and describe it the best that I can. It is a heart with what looks like a cross coming out from the top, and another extension coming from the bottom with a swirl design on it. In the inside of the heart, part of it has a grid pattern going through it. That's the only way I can explain it. I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. I'm interested in knowing what this symbol means.
It sounds like you're speaking of Erzulie Freda's veve. Erzulie Freda is the Lwa (Spirit Force) of Love in the Haitian pantheon. A veve is a Lwa's Spirit Symbol, like a signature. These intricate patterns are drawn, most often in cornmeal, to call down a specific Spirit during a Voodoo ceremony. Freda's veve is a very popular symbol that is often used to represent the things associated with her: love, romance, prosperity, beauty, and so on.