This unique Spiritual cologne is an original formula, created by our dear Haitian friend, Monsieur Trouillot. It’s made with powerful ingredients, including Saut d'Eau Water and natural, select Haitian herbs. This last-named ingredient is what gives "Lotion Feuilles" cologne its name - as "feuilles" is the French word for leaves. These potent leaves are traditionally used by Vodouisants for their medicinal & therapeutic benefits.
Saut D'Eau (Falling Water) is a village in the mountainous heart of Haiti, named for its beautiful cascading waterfall. Sacred to many beloved Lwa, or Spirits, thousands of devotees make their way through the forest to bathe in these cleansing waters every year. Between the potent distillations of natural Haitian herbs, the blessed waters of Saut D'Eau and the loving care of Monsieur Trouillot that’s in each and every bottle, Lotion Feuilles d'Haiti is truly a Spiritual Powerhouse all by itself. It can also be added to Good Luck, Prosperity & Blessing Baths - there are so many ways to use this unique & potent formula. Did we mention it smells amazing?