If you’re looking for a great way to filter out negativity and promote positive energies, the Rose of Jericho is an excellent option.
Also known as the Resurrection Plant, the dormant Rose of Jericho looks like a dry bundle of roots. It’s a desert plant that can be found in Mexico, Arabia, Syria and Egypt, where it blows about like a tumbleweed until it finds a water source. As the Rose soaks up the water, it begins to unfurl, revealing beautiful, fern-like leaves. When the water source dries up, it curls back into a ball, and sails on in search of its next oasis.
While there are many ways to use this amazing plant, here at Voodoo Authentica, we like to use it to cleanse and protect our environment. From the dormant state, we simply place the plant into a bowl of water. Within a few hours, it will open itself up, its feathery branches turning green. At this point, the Rose of Jericho is actively working to absorb the negativity from our space!